of the Bible
Popular English Versions
The American Standard Version (1901, 1946, 1957);
The Holy Bible; Revised Standard Version (1946 [NT], 1952 [OT], 1971); the
Living Bible (1971); the New International Version (NIV) (1973, 1978, 1984); the
Simple English Version (1978, 1980); the New King James Version (1982); and the
Micro Bible (1988), have all developed broad acceptance by various Christian Denominations and groups.
Additionally, the Literal Translation of the Holy Bible (Young, 1887, reprinted 1953);
The Twentieth Century New Testament (1901); The Historical New Testament (Moffatt, 1901);
The New Testament in Modern Speech (Weymouth, 1903);
The Holy Bible - An Improved Edition (Amer. Baptist Publication Society, 1913);
The Bible - A New Translation (Moffatt, 1922); The New Testament, an American Translation (Goodspeed, 1923);
The Bible, an American Translation (Goodspeed, 1931); The New Testament (Williams, 1937);
Letters to Young Churches (Phillips, 1948) (paraphrases the New Testament Epistles);
The Gospels (Phillips, 1953) (popular paraphrases among young people);
The Berkeley Version of the Bible (Verkuyl, 1959); have popularity for various reasons, usually either common vocabulary or extremely careful translation.
Article by Believe Project