Shopping Spots
Select from the list of shopping centres available here:
Singapore is a well-known shopping paradise known to everyone. Every year tourist from all over the world will come over to Singapore not just for sight-seeing,
but also to enjoy shopping at the wonderful shopping centres we Singaporeans have here. And even more popular is the GREAT SINGAPORE SALE which takes place every year around the month of
June to July and the month of November to December. This great event is the time when everyone rushes down to a shopping centre to grab the favourite bag that she has been eyeing for so long,
or the latest pair of Nike Shoes that he has been desiring to own. Yes, it is also during this time of the year that there is a boom in tourist coming to Singapore. Therefore here we have at TheSingaporean.com,
a compiled list of all the shopping centres that you can possibly find in Singapore, some brief background and how you can go there.
Note: If you think we have overlooked a great shopping centre, feel free to inform us at
tech_sup@thesingaporean.com so that we can add it in.