of the Bible
Literal Translation
General Information
The actual source materials which were used to traslate the modern Bibles were written in ancient Hebrew (Aramaic) (Old Testament) and ancient Greek (New Testament). The actual (literal) translation of those words in their original sequence is often somewhat difficult to read. That is why all of the modern Bibles slightly adjust or rearrange the text to make it more readable.
Part of Genesis follows as it is literally translated
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning | created | God | the heavens | and | the earth
Genesis 1:2
and the earth | was | without form | and empty, | and darkness | on the surface of | the deep | and the Spirit of | God | moving gently | on | the surface of | the waters.
Genesis 1:3
Then said | God, | Let be | light | and was | light.
Genesis 1:4
And saw | God | the light | that | (it was) | good | and separated | God | between | the light | and | the darkness.
Genesis 1:5
And called | God | the light | day, | and the darkness | He called | night | and was | evening, | and (it) was | morning, | day | one.
Genesis 1:6
And said | God, | Let be | a space | in the middle of | the waters, | and let it | (be) | dividing | between | waters | (and) | the waters.
Genesis 1:7
And made | God | the space, | and He separated | between | the waters | which | (were) | under | the space | and | the waters | which | (were) | above | | the space | and it was | so.
Genesis 1:8
And called | God | the space | heavens. | And (it) was | evening, | and (it) was | morning, | day | second.
Genesis 1:9
And said | God, | Let be collected | | the waters | under | the heavens | to | | place | one, | and let appear | the dry land. | And so it was
Genesis 1:10
And called | God | the dry land | earth, | and the collection of | the waters | | He called | oceans. | And saw | God | good | (it was).
Genesis 1:11
And said | God, | Let sprout | the earth | tender sprouts, | (the) | plant | | seeding | seed | (and) | of tree | fruit | producing | fruit | after its species, | which | it | (is) | in it | on | | the earth. | And it was | so.
Genesis 1:12
And gave birth to | the earth | tender sprouts | (the) | plant | seeding | seed | after its species, | and tree | producing | fruit | which | its | (is) | in it | | after its species. | And saw | God that | (it was) | good.
Genesis 1:13
And it was | evening | and | morning, | day | third.
Genesis 1:14
And said | God, | Let be | lights | | in the space of | the heavens | to divide | between | the day | and | the night | and let them be | for signs | and for seasons | and for days | and years.
Genesis 1:15
And let them be | for lights | in the space of | the heavens, | to give off light | | on | the earth. | And it was | so.
Genesis 1:16
And made | God | two the lights | great. | The light | great | for the rule of | the day, | and | the light | small | for the rule of | the night, | and | | the stars.
Genesis 1:17
And set | them | God | in the space of | | the heavens | to give off light | on | the earth,
Genesis 1:18
and to rule | over the day | and over the night, | and to separate | between | the light | and | the darkness. | And saw | God that | good. | (it was)
Genesis 1:19
And was | evening | and | morning | day, | the fourth.
Genesis 1:20
And said | God, | Let swarm | the waters | (with) | swarmers | (having) | a life | living. | And birds | let fly around | | over | the earth, | on | the the surface of | the space of
Genesis 1:21
And heavens. | God created | the sea monsters | great | and | all | (having a ) | life | living | that crawls | (with) | | which | swarmed | the waters | after their species, | and | every bird | (with) | | wing | after its species. | And saw | | God | that | good | (it was)
Genesis 1:22
And blessed | them | God | saying, | | Be fruitful | and be many, | and fill | | the waters | in the oceans. | And the birds | let multiply | on the earth.
Genesis 1:23
And was | evening | and (it) was | | morning, | day | fifth.
Genesis 1:24
And said | God, | Let bring forth | the earth | life living | after its species, | | cattle | and crawlers, | and its animals | of the earth | after its species. | And so it was.
Genesis 1:25
And made | God | the animals of | the earth | after its species | and | the cattle | after its species, | and all crawlers | of the ground | after their species | and saw | | God that | good | (it was).
Genesis 1:26
And said | God, | Let us make | mankind | in Our image, | according to Our likeness; | and let them rule | over fish of | | the ocean | and over birds of | the heavens, | and over the cattle | and over all the earth | and over all | the crawlers | crawling | on | the earth.
Genesis 1:27
And created | God | the mankind | in His image, | In the image of | God | He created | him; | male | and female | He created | them.
Genesis 1:28
And blessed | them | God, | and said | to them | God, | Be fruitful | and multiply, | | and fill | the earth, | and it subdue. | | And rule | over fish of | the ocean, | and over of birds | the heavens | and over all | | animals | crawling on | the earth.
Genesis 1:29
And said | God, | have given | I | to you | every | plant | seeding | | seed | which | (is) | on the surface of | | all | the earth, | and every | tree | | which | in it | (is) | fruit of | (the) | tree | seeding | seed. | To you | will it be | for food,
Genesis 1:30
and to every | animal of | the earth | and to every | bird of | the heavens, | and to every | | crawler | on | the earth | which | in it | (is) | a life | living | every | green | | plant | for food. | And it was | so.
Article by Believe Project